martes, 29 de abril de 2008

Hillary Clinton in 2008

With President Bush's current poll numbers reaching new lows, some Democrat hopefuls are already gearing up for the 2008 Presidential campaign. Last week Senator Joseph Biden announced his intention to run, but most eyes are on Hillary Clinton. A CNN/Gallup poll taken last week indicated that for the first time a majority of Americans would vote for her if she ran.

Hillary Clinton's Moon is in Pisces (October 26, 1947; 8:00 am; Chicago), which from a statistical perspective, does not bode well for getting elected. None of the nation's 43 presidents were born with the Moon in Pisces, perhaps because this placement gives a self-sacrificing personality, and sometimes even a victim status not the kind of individual one wants for a Commander -in-Chief.

On the other hand, the New York Senator has her Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Ascendant in no-nonsense Scorpio, all in dynamic square to Mars, Saturn, and Pluto in Leo. This configuration describes a powerful ambition, and an individual who wants to leave her imprint on the world. It's reform-minded, but also tends to attract powerful enemies.

Ten of America's 43 Presidents were born with Mars in Leo, a statistical anomaly that far exceeds chance. Americans like the boldness, the courage, and dramatic flair that Mars in Leo provides. Hillary Clinton's Mars in Leo gives her an edge if she can overcome the apparent weakness of her Pisces Moon. Currently, and over the next four months, transiting Pluto is squaring her Moon, giving her an opportunity to transform this side of her public image into something more marketable

By Wolfstar

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